A.I. everywhere that meets the “Eye”!

artificial-intelligence-smart-city A.I. everywhere that meets the “Eye”!

We have very often discussed how artificial intelligence and its various technologies like computer vision or machine learning have already impacted marketing, but it would be a big mistake to assume that A.I. has set foot only in this field. Below, three examples of its use beyond marketing:

Intel uses artificial intelligence to identify, segment and monitor current and potential clients through an A.I. system that was developed in-house. In a recent blog post, the world’s largest manufacturer of microprocessors details how this system helps its sales staff to identify potential leads faster and with higher accuracy than the “traditional” methods used before.

Facebook, on the other hand, uses a machine learning system to identify fake accounts that are used to disseminate spam or malware, or forward phishing links. The system, called DEC (Deep Entity Classification) differentiates real and fake users based on their connection patterns. DEC examines more than 20,000 “deep features” (these are the previously mentioned “patterns”) to establish the quality of an account, in order to make it more difficult for fraudsters to escape identification by changing their behavior and tactics.

Uber has also recently published a post describing the architecture of its autonomous car platform that is used by the company’s Advanced Technologies Group (ATG) for prototyping self-driving vehicles. Machine learning plays a major role in this process, and the management of the various ML models and the workflow of the large team of engineers working on the project is taken over by VerCD, a system that supports the machine learning workflow.

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