Artificial Intelligence is omnipresent

Artificial-Intelligence-2 Artificial Intelligence is omnipresent

A lot of organizations have already acknowledged that artificial intelligence and machine learning used in the context of analytics can play a major role in marketing and sales. Louis Columbus of Forbes has collected data that show marketers focusing on data analytics, A.I.-based marketing solutions and marketing automation technology.

But, to be effective, machine learning and A.I. analytics need high-quality data. Protik Mukhopadhyay, member of Forbes Technology Council, describes the main factors that negatively impact data quality and what enterprises can do to address this problem.

Customer loyalty is one more field in which machine learning and A.I. can lend marketers a helping hand. Analyzing consumers’ point of view and narratives (like XPLAIN does with its advanced algorithms), predicting customer behavior, supporting the personalization efforts and facilitating the communication between brands and consumers are only a few tasks that Artificial Intelligence can successfully perform.

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