Putting the AI in retail

artificial-intelligence-in-retail-1024x682 Putting the AI in retailThe tech website ReadWrite has recently created an interesting compilation of A.I. applications used in retail. According to the post, cashier-less stores are among these applications and Amazon is already pioneering their deployment. A.I.-powered chatbots are one more tool in this category used to optimize customer service, followed by voice search (over smartphones), visual search, supply chain management and product categorization.

TechRepublic examines a broader spectrum of business needs that can be covered by Artificial Intelligence, analytics and NLP (Natural Language Processing), among them customer service, employee recruitment, supply chain management and remote collaboration.

Finally, Jeff Bullas, the well-known marketing guru, analyzes in a recent post of his how A.I. can be used to enhance and enrich email marketing and significantly increase sales.

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