
XPLAIN is a Proud Sponsor of the 10th Digital Marketing Forum in Bucharest

XPLAIN is a proud sponsor of the Digital Marketing Forum 2016 by Evensys that will take place on Thursday 25th and Friday 26th of February in Bucharest, Romania.

Digital Marketing Forum is Romania’s longest running new media conference, bringing together more than 300 Digital Marketers, Marketing and Communication Managers and thought leaders to discuss and debate cutting-edge trends and technologies of Marketing through Digital Media.

XPLAIN will be focusing on the promotion of its innovative Data-driven approach to Digital Marketing Strategy and its award winning services: Industry and Consumer Leading Insights, Social Media Data Analysis, Digital Optimization Methodologies and customized Strategic Frameworks with increased ROI.

On this 10th consecutive year of the conference, XPLAIN will have a surprise event during the breaks that will not only entertain the participants, but will also give them an unforgettable and “magical” experience.